Physical / Occupational Therapy Professional Registration


This registration form is for physical / occupational therapists and clinicians working in rehabilitation settings.  Please do not register using this form if you are an employee/contractor of Thuasne USA or seeking a different user account.


  • Basic Information

  • Select the professional credentials that you currently hold. To select multiple credentials, please hold the "CTRL" button on your keyboard while selecting.
  • Enter your License Number(s) including the state where the license was issued. If you hold multiple licenses, place a comma between each credential. (Example: IL 08210000158, IL 08230000203). Failure to enter your credentials will result in the inability to earn CE units.
  • Clinical Practice Information

  • Password Information

    Create a password that you can easily remember.
  • Minimum length of 6 characters.
    The password must have a minimum strength of Weak
    Strength indicator